Men's & Women's Ministries

The Men’s Ministry program

… unites the men of Trinity in serving Jesus Christ, in creating disciples and ministering to those who are seeking a relationship with the Lord. Men find in our fellowship the opportunity to grow in faith and to support the church by serving in where there is a need.

The goal of Men’s Ministry is to bring each man closer to Christ, and to one another. By providing active, relevant, and enjoyable opportunities for fellowship, we draw closer to one another while drawing closer to Him! Through outreach, we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our local community!

Some of our activities include Bible studies, visitation programs, prayer teams, breakfasts, and general church support.

On Friday mornings at 9:30 the Men’s Ministry hosts a light brunch for all the men of Trinity! We invite you to join us for delicious food and fellowship while studying a book from the Bible. On the second Friday of each month in the morning, we gather at Midland CC for a golf outing, followed by lunch. Interested? Contact Joe Carter.

Spiritual Formation

Men’s Bible Studies – Men gather weekly at the church to study and to discuss better ways to apply God’s Word to the furtherance of personal spiritual growth. All men are welcome and new groups are encouraged.

Christian Outreach

Visitation – Trinity men are actively involved in visiting our hospitalized or shut-in members, as well as those who visit our church and are in need of support or companionship.

Men’s Ministry: (910) 215-5775

men ministry

Women’s Ministry
(Fellowship with a Purpose)

The Women’s Ministry is available to women of all ages, and focuses on cultivating discipleship and building relationships! They provide opportunities to grow together in service to our community here in Moore County and within the body of Christ!

There are so many ways to get involved!
We would love to have you join us!

“So let’s do it – full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25

men ministry

Join Our Community

Experience the warmth and devotion of our Trinity Christian Fellowship Church family. Attend a service or reach out for more information about Men’s & Women’s Ministries and let us welcome you into our community.