Support MinistrIes
Trinity Christian Fellowship is supported by a large number
of volunteers who offer their time and talents.
Contact the church office to be put in touch with the ministry chair: 910.215.5775
Altar Angels
The Altar Angels are responsible for setting up the altar before each of the three services each Sunday, and for special worship events during the church year. Setup includes ensuring proper linens are used for each season of the church year, that all altar articles are present and properly placed, and that the Communion elements and supporting articles are in place for Communion services. Furthermore, Altar Angels ensure that the candles are lit before each service and that the altar and all articles are properly placed and stored following the final service. We are so thankful for their dedication and service! We would love to have you on the team!
The volunteers who are charged with recording the attendance each Sunday ensure that the attendance folders are in place at the end of each aisle at the beginning of each service. Additionally, they play a crucial role in community outreach. Following the last service, the books are collected, the attendance sheets are removed, and the attendance is recorded. Attendance is taken to ensure that visitors are contacted so we can say, “We are glad you joined us!” It also allows us to answer any questions you may have about TCF. Moreover, members long-absent are contacted in order to provide assistance if needed by our Visitation and Hospitality Committees.
The Communications Committee seeks to communicate messages, ideas, and faith through various media forms. The committee also works as a resource for other sectors of the church, providing the appropriate media to help augment their vision and goals. Among the group’s duties are the following:
- Maintain the communications plan, in addition to updating as needed
- Assist the church in coordinating print along with internet communications to ensure that all publications and presentations have a consistent look, along with upholding the church mission
- PowerPoint presentations, signage, or other special visual media used within the church
Congregational Life including:
Visitation, MealTrains, Prayer
Volunteers of the Visitation Ministry engage in community outreach by offering personal care and comfort to those who are ill at home, in hospitals or care facilities, shut-in, or in need. They recognize that a smile, a hug, a quiet conversation, or simply being present can provide significant relief to those who are alone or hurting. Visitation volunteers also offer prayer, providing both human comfort and the solace that comes from our Heavenly Father. Interested in joining us? Contact Barbara for more information!
In response to Christ’s call to love one another, the Congregational Care Team seeks to extend Christian caring, concern, and support to members and friends of our congregation through coordination of various ministries: prayer ministry, visitation, meal train, call and cards, grief share and also care groups. The Congregational Life Committee fosters community by managing support ministry teams and programs that integrate people into church life and ministry. We keep Jesus Christ at the center of all we do and welcome those seeking to serve as His hands and feet. This committee meets the second Monday at 11 am monthly. Congregational Life Mission: Reaching out, Transforming lives by extending God’s love to all by:
SCRIPTURE: Being led by God’s Word
LOVE: Growing in God’s Grace
HUMILITY: Walking with God
SERVANTHOOD: Living as God’s Servants
The Card Ministry Coordinator sends cards to Trinity Christian Fellowship family and friends as part of our community outreach efforts. These cards convey our support during illness, the loss of a family member, or other challenging times, as well as celebrate joyous occasions like births. The coordinator identifies recipients by monitoring prayer request emails and the visitation list, consulting with the Congregational Life Chair. They attend monthly meetings and provide reports on the number and nature of cards sent each month.
Meal Train is for everyone who could use some help with meals and other needs during
common life events.
The visitation team works together to provide the love of Christ to each member and friend of the church family throughout their time of need. Anyone needing encouragement, comfort, or a sense of belonging would benefit from a visit, there are certain individuals who need to be reminded that they aren’t forgotten.
Conversations with the Scripture
Tuesdays 2:00-3:30 p.m
Come and ask those hard questions! Pastor Matt answers questions about what the Bible means and how it applies to our lives. Bring your Bible to discuss weekly Scripture readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. Explore deep spiritual insights and foster community connections through our vibrant Pinehurst NC Bible Studies.
We dedicate some time to the book study of “Unseen Realm” by Dr. Michael Heiser. We will also continue to discuss the Sunday Scripture readings, and are corporately reading the Bible in three years, so join us and Pastor Matt will answer any questions that you may have!
Fellowship and Hospitality
The Fellowship Committee’s function is to provide the necessary elements to enhance fellowship among the congregation between the worship services on Sunday and at the Wednesday evening fellowship gathering.
“Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms … If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:9 – 11
The Flower Ministry coordinates the flower orders for Sunday services. Additionally, it encourages the purchase of flowers for special occasions, such as birthdays and anniversaries. Furthermore, it supports remembrances, memorials, praise-worthy events, and other special occasions.
Our greeters are responsible for ensuring that no one new to our church enters without being recognized and warmly welcomed. If you are a visitor, we encourage you to wear a blue visitors badge so that we can welcome you! Our Greeters are excited to welcome you on Sunday Mornings!
The library, maintained by volunteers who receive book donations, catalog and place the books, and oversee the loaning and returning process. Thus also engages in community outreach. In addition to a selection of Bibles, religious non-fiction and fiction books, general subject material, and children’s books, the volunteers manage space constraints by arranging for additional room, ensuring a fresh selection of donated books. We encourage you to visit and utilize this valuable, free resource. There are truly amazing books waiting for you!
The Membership Committee is responsible for supporting our existing membership and for providing guidance and support in our efforts to attract and welcome new members to the Trinity Family!
Prayer Shawl
The women who volunteer for the prayer shawl ministry create custom shawl designs for members and friends of Trinity who are in special need of prayer and support, including expectant mothers, those who are ill, or those who have other prayerful concerns. The women of the ministry enjoy wonderful fellowship while knitting the shawls and pray over each shawl before it is given to its intended recipient.

Volunteers who read scripture at each of the Sunday services are an important part of our Sunday worship experience! As well as that, It’s wonderful to participate in worship by reading His love letter to us!
Ushers are responsible for the flow of people entering and leaving the sanctuary each Sunday. In addition to passing out bulletins, collecting the offering, offering assistance with seating when required, and for providing other support as necessary. Subsequently, this ensurea that each person has a pleasant experience within the building on Sunday mornings!
The Worship Ministry oversees most aspects of our worship services. Along with our Senior Pastor, they enhance our worship services by coordinating music, lay readers, altar arrangements, greeters, ushers, along with format, and styles of worship.
Audio-Visual / Technology / Website
Support for the audio/visual services at Trinity Christian Fellowship includes control over the operation and maintenance of all of the following:
- All speakers, microphones, amplifiers, monitors, and other audio equipment
- All projectors, TVs, and associated video equipment
- The media console: soundboard, media sequencer, laptops, touch control screen, CD and DVD players, and all other associated equipment
All remote control devices associated with audio/visual equipment
The Audio/Visual committee collaborates closely with our Communications Committee to prepare various media for services, meetings, and events, contributing to our community outreach efforts. In addition, our Webmaster oversees all website content, design, management, and technical maintenance, ensuring smooth operations and effective communication with our webhost. If you have audio/visual skills and are interested in joining our volunteer team, please contact the church office!
Join Our Community
Experience the warmth and devotion of our Trinity Christian Fellowship Church family.
Attend a service or reach out for more information and let us welcome you into our community.